.docx files not opening inline when downloading using ie
(too old to reply)
2009-12-17 21:19:02 UTC
hi there,

this could simply be a vista question but i thought i would check here first.

my users download files from a web site backed by a database. they are used
to the files opening up in an appropriate viewer inline. once they click to
download the file then the file opens on their workstation with word, excel,
some image viewer etc...

this stopped working on xp and vista workstations for office 2007 file
formats (.docx etc...). we modified the website to provide the filename and
extension in the mime headers and this fixed the xp problem.

but the situation persists with vista. the users are able to save the file
locally but are unable to open the file inline. when prompted they select
'open' and are given another message indicating that they need to save the
file only as "the file you are opening cannot be opened by the default

any direction on this most appreciated.
charlie garrett-jones
2009-12-17 22:07:02 UTC
actually, i think we've found a cure...

we changed the mime content disposition from 'inline' to 'attachment'.

according to this article on how ie handles mime then 'attachment' bypasses
all ie mime handling:
charlie garrett-jones
Post by charlie.planetxsolutions
hi there,
this could simply be a vista question but i thought i would check here first.
my users download files from a web site backed by a database. they are used
to the files opening up in an appropriate viewer inline. once they click to
download the file then the file opens on their workstation with word, excel,
some image viewer etc...
this stopped working on xp and vista workstations for office 2007 file
formats (.docx etc...). we modified the website to provide the filename and
extension in the mime headers and this fixed the xp problem.
but the situation persists with vista. the users are able to save the file
locally but are unable to open the file inline. when prompted they select
'open' and are given another message indicating that they need to save the
file only as "the file you are opening cannot be opened by the default
any direction on this most appreciated.
charlie garrett-jones